Home > Love And Rose > Red Rose Flowers Are the Best Way to Saymeaning I Love You

Red Rose Flowers Are the Best Way to Saymeaning I Love You

There are a numerous types of flowers today that are very beautiful to any girl. They can be lilies, forget-me-nots, daisies – you name it. But there is still no flower that can say the best “I love you” than roses. Red rose flowers are simple, elegant and breathtaking. These are the iconic flower that you think about immediately when you hear the word “flower.” But what makes roses so unique? What makes them so special? Roses are plain looking, but if you stare at a rose, feel it and smell it, the aura changes all of a sudden. Why? Because a rose is similar to woman in many ways.

Roses are Beautiful Like Women

A rose is actually velvety smooth. You would have to touch it to know it. Just like a woman, a man would not know how lovely she makes you feel unless he really gets to know how special she is. Women have a way to make men melt. That is why there are cases where women become the weakness of men because of their tantalizing and unexplainable beauty.

Roses are definitely beautiful in appearance. It is not as simple as a daisy where it has a center and a certain number of petals. It seems to hide a beauty inside them but shows intensity on the outside. Just like woman, there is so much beauty on the outside, but they can definitely show more on the inside.

Rose is Like a Secret

A rose is like a secret. See how it seems to have something in the middle but cannot be seen. It is like a mystery; the definitive style of a woman. Each woman has something special to hide and later on blooms with splendor.

Rose flowers have different colors just like a woman. Each color expresses different meanings like:

a. RED – it is the “generic” symbol for deep love and sweet romance. Red rose flowers are ideal rose to be given to a special someone if you indeed want to say, “I love you”.

b. PINK – This color actually shows grace and elegance. This is kind of rose flower is given to someone you admire. It also expresses happiness. Pink roses have a more gentle meaning compared to the Red ones.

c. YELLOW – Yellow is the color of the sun, bright and bold. It shows a certain warm and joyful feeling. Yellow rose flowers are given to true friends. These are a symbol of happiness and true friendship.

d. WHITE – White portrays innocence and a sense of purity. These are often connected with marriages and fresh starts. Roses with this color also show honor and reverence. They are used as expressions of remembering.

e. ORANGE – This color expresses so much energy. These are usually given to show desire and enthusiasm. These are also a symbol of extreme passion and a way to express fervent romance.

So for men out there, giving a rose can definitely mean something special. Why don’t you say that “I love you” in a different way, such as with a rose? Just like as the wise quote states, “A human heart needs to be awakened with love.” Spread that love by giving out rose flowers of different colors for anniversaries, as happy birthday wishes, Valentine’s Day, and for any occasion.

Additional articles and tips on the red rose information and much more

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ken_Cunningham

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