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Roses – The Flowers For The Ages

Roses have been around for a very long time. Rose gardening has not been around for so long. Fossil evidence shows the rose to be 35 million years old. Up until about 5000 years ago roses grew wild. Cultivation probably began, in China. The Romans were fond of roses. They cultivated them in the Middle East. In England in the fifteenth century, roses were symbols of two factions that became involved in a war for control of England. The symbol of York was a white rose while the symbol of Lancaster was the red rose. Thus, the war became known as the “War of the Roses.” The seventeenth century saw rose water used for perfume and roses were in high demand. In the eighteenth century cultivated roses were introduced into Europe.

There are four basic generations of roses that take us from the beginning of time to modern time. They are: Species Roses, Old European Garden Roses, Hardy Repeat-Blooming Old Roses and Modern Roses. The original rose on the planet was the Species Rose, genus Rosa, which has 5 petals and very colorful hips. These roses bloom once per year in early summer.

Today there are a species of the genus Rosa found growing wild throughout the northern hemisphere. They come in various sizes including ground cover to large upright plants and climbing plants. Rosa rugosa is probably the most widely sold commercial variety today.

Old European Garden Roses are the hybrid roses that were seen in European gardens in the eighteenth century prior to the onslaught of Rosa cheniesis. Cheniesis was discovered in china. Cheniesis is first known rose which flowers repeatedly from early autumn to late summer. Old European Garden Roses are fragrant and cold hardy. They are not as highly disease resistant as has often been reported. The five classes of Old European garden roses are: Gallica, Damask, Alba, Centifolia, and Mosses. Hardy Repeat-Blooming Old Roses are almost the complete rose. They offer outstanding hardiness, disease resistance, beautiful flowers and wonderful fragrance. They don’t however, offer recurrent summer blooming.

The development of the tea/hybrid perpetual cross rose in 1867 ushered in the era of the modern rose. Jean Baptist Guillot was the hybridizer and the rose was ‘La France.’ The hybrid tea rose was born. The most popular modern roses are the hybrid tea, floribunda and the grandiflora. Roses have been on this planet for approximately 35 million years.

Up until the eighteenth century with the coming of the Old European Garden Rose, the Species rose, genus Rosa, was the only rose that existed. Repeat-Blooming Old Roses were next. In 1867 Jean-Baptiste Guillot developed the hybrid tea rose the beginning of the modern rose era. Today the main varieties of roses are the hybrid tea rose, floribunda and grandifloria. Roses add a special beauty to our lives. Growing roses today is not a difficult task and it is very rewarding.
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More  Types Of Rose :-

Rosaceae Roses and Flowers

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The Special Meaning of a Yellow Rose

Latest Rose Information The meaning of a yellow rose signifies strong feelings of pure joy, gladness, happiness and platonic friendship, in Germanic countries the meaning of a a yellow rose is different – they’re used to convey jealousy.

Friendship is the main meaning of the yellow rose but it also signifies familiar love and domestic happiness. Yellow roses also symbolize fun and freedom.

Today, the yellow rose is used to embrace a new beginning, apologize or express sympathy, and to say, “remember me” , “I am sorry’, or “I care.” Yellow roses are appropriate for marking the beginning of a new life together or for starting all over again.

The Language of Flowers

The language of flowers, sometimes called floriography, was a Victorian-era method of communication. Floriograpghy, in which various flowers and floral arrangements were used to send coded messages, allowed individuals to express feelings which otherwise could not be spoken. The meaning of the color of flowers was most commonly communicated through Tussie-Mussies (floral arrangements), a creative art form which continues today.

Though most popular in the Victorian period, the symbolic use of flowers dates back to antiquity. In Medieval and Renaissance culture flowers were often given moral meanings. This is most apparent in art in which saints are often depicted with flowers, symbolic of their virtues. Liana DeGirolami Cheney notes that “some of the Christian symbols for Virginity or Chastity are the white rose, the myrtle, a vessel or vase, the lily, and the unicorn”

The Color Meaning of Roses

Different color roses symbolize different things and the meaning of different color roses is show here:

Red: love, used to say “I love you,” but also stands for courage and respect.

Red & White Together or White Roses with Red Edges signify unity and togetherness.

Pink: symbolizes grace, sophistication and elegance. Also symbolizes gentle feelings of love and friendship.

Dark Pink: Gratefulness and appreciation.

Light Pink: Admiration, sympathy

White: Innocence, purity, secrecy, friendship, reverence and humility.

Yellow: Often akin to joy and deep friendship or platonic love. In German speaking countries, however, they can mean jealousy and infidelity.

Yellow with red tips: Symbolizes a gesture of falling in love.

Orange or Coral symbolizes enthusiasm and desire

Burgundy: Beauty

Blue: Mystery

Green: Calm

Black: used to signify death (black being the color of death) often of old habits. In a positive light it signifies rebirth after death. Also, slavish devotion (as a true black rose is impossible to produce).

Purple: protection (paternal/maternal love)

Rose Types Also Convey Meanings Too

Rose (thornless) – Love at first sight

Rose (single, full bloom) – I love you; I still love you

Rose bud – Beauty and youth; a heart innocent of love

Rose bud (red) – Pure and lovely

Rose bud (white) – Girlhood

Rosebud (moss) – Confessions of love

Roses (bouquet of full bloom) – Gratitude

Roses (garland or crown of) – Beware of virtue; reward of merit; crown ; symbol of superior merit

Roses (musk cluster) – Charming

Rose (tea) – I’ll always remember

Rose (cabbage) – Ambassador of love

Rose (Christmas) – Tranquilize my anxiety or anxiety

Rose (damask) – Brilliant complexion

Rose (dark crimson) – Mourning

Rose (hibiscus) – Delicate beauty

Rose leaf – You may hope

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Red Rose Flowers Are the Best Way to Saymeaning I Love You

There are a numerous types of flowers today that are very beautiful to any girl. They can be lilies, forget-me-nots, daisies – you name it. But there is still no flower that can say the best “I love you” than roses. Red rose flowers are simple, elegant and breathtaking. These are the iconic flower that you think about immediately when you hear the word “flower.” But what makes roses so unique? What makes them so special? Roses are plain looking, but if you stare at a rose, feel it and smell it, the aura changes all of a sudden. Why? Because a rose is similar to woman in many ways.

Roses are Beautiful Like Women

A rose is actually velvety smooth. You would have to touch it to know it. Just like a woman, a man would not know how lovely she makes you feel unless he really gets to know how special she is. Women have a way to make men melt. That is why there are cases where women become the weakness of men because of their tantalizing and unexplainable beauty.

Roses are definitely beautiful in appearance. It is not as simple as a daisy where it has a center and a certain number of petals. It seems to hide a beauty inside them but shows intensity on the outside. Just like woman, there is so much beauty on the outside, but they can definitely show more on the inside.

Rose is Like a Secret

A rose is like a secret. See how it seems to have something in the middle but cannot be seen. It is like a mystery; the definitive style of a woman. Each woman has something special to hide and later on blooms with splendor.

Rose flowers have different colors just like a woman. Each color expresses different meanings like:

a. RED – it is the “generic” symbol for deep love and sweet romance. Red rose flowers are ideal rose to be given to a special someone if you indeed want to say, “I love you”.

b. PINK – This color actually shows grace and elegance. This is kind of rose flower is given to someone you admire. It also expresses happiness. Pink roses have a more gentle meaning compared to the Red ones.

c. YELLOW – Yellow is the color of the sun, bright and bold. It shows a certain warm and joyful feeling. Yellow rose flowers are given to true friends. These are a symbol of happiness and true friendship.

d. WHITE – White portrays innocence and a sense of purity. These are often connected with marriages and fresh starts. Roses with this color also show honor and reverence. They are used as expressions of remembering.

e. ORANGE – This color expresses so much energy. These are usually given to show desire and enthusiasm. These are also a symbol of extreme passion and a way to express fervent romance.

So for men out there, giving a rose can definitely mean something special. Why don’t you say that “I love you” in a different way, such as with a rose? Just like as the wise quote states, “A human heart needs to be awakened with love.” Spread that love by giving out rose flowers of different colors for anniversaries, as happy birthday wishes, Valentine’s Day, and for any occasion.

Additional articles and tips on the red rose information and much more

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Meaning of Red Roses – Romance and Love

The red rose not only carries the deepest meaning among all the rose colors – It is one of the universal symbols of love and affection. This flower’s long, eventful history lends it a breadth of significance. The red rose has been incorporated into many works of art from classical poetry to paintings. It is also the inspiration for many artists and lovers across cultures.

Shakespeare made an allusion to roses in Romeo and Juliet, and the poet Robert Burns created a poem on the beauty of the red rose In the present day, the red rose figures not only in music and media, but also as religious and political symbols. Because of that, the red rose symbolizes courage, respect, and prosperity, making them an appropriate gift when we want to make a dramatic statement.

Among all these meanings however, love is what most people associate with this red flower. Any six-year old can tell you that a red rose is the traditional symbol for romance and love.

The red rose as we know it today was brought to Europe from China in 1800’s, though the meanings people associate with them date back far longer than that. The color red itself was initially a primal symbol for life that eventually evolved into a metaphor for profound emotions. Early cultures across the globe used these red flowers for their traditional wedding attire and to decorate the wedding ceremony itself.

Because of these traditions, the red rose soon became known as the symbol for deep love and fidelity. As the practice of exchanging roses and other flowers as signs of affection grew more popular, the red rose became the flower of choice for lovers because it sends the strongest message of love. This tradition still lives on to the present day.

Sending someone a bouquet of red roses is still the most popular way to say “I love you.” The red rose’s rich and diverse heritage culminated in the modern day image of the lover’s rose. It is the definitive symbol for romantic feelings and represents a true love stronger than thorns.

Red roses make meaningful gifts for expressing emotions during an anniversary, Valentine’s day, or for no apparent reason at all. For new relationships and budding romances, a bouquet of red rosebuds signifies the start of romantic intentions, a message of commitment, and a tentative invitation to bring the relationship to the next level. Even a single, long-stemmed red rose can evoke a powerful response from its recipient. This is a trait no other flower can convey.

This article is written by Timothy Spencer for Island Rose –Rose information . We hope you enjoyed this article and encourage you to visit our website. For more informative articles like this, visit the Rose information blog pages.

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